Estadi Municipal La Bòbila
The Municipal Stadium La Bobila is a sports facility located in the city of Gavà, a few kilometers from Barcelona. It was opened in 1995 and has a capacity for 1,700 spectators. The facility has a natural turf football field surrounded by a 400-meter running track. It also has other sports services such as high jump, pole and length and pitch. Inside the Stadium there is a fitness room, as well as changing rooms to service all the activities carried out on the equipment.
On one of the sides of the building there is a chimney from the beginning of the last century of an old weaving site with respect to the stadium. This particularity gives the Stadium an architectural profile of great visual and photographic richness.
This equipment is provided for trainings and competitions of sports entities in Gavà, but it is also offered for rentals of sports and non-sports activities.
Contact with Estadi Municipal La Bòbila to book